
Safeguard Your Home from Natural Disasters with Homeowners Insurance Coverage

No matter where you live, you need to prepare your home for any type of climate threat or natural disaster. And if you live in an area like Florida prone to hurricanes or other storms, it’s especially important. This means making sure your homeowners insurance has you covered with the right amount and policies. How much homeowners insurance do I need? It all depends. You need the right amount of...

A 5% US Mortgage Rate Is Seen as Tipping Point to Unlock Supply

US homeowners are nearly twice as willing to sell if their mortgage rate is 5% or higher, but just one in five mortgaged homes meet that criteria. For those who have a mortgage rate of at least 5%, 38% said they’re planning on selling their homes, according to a quarterly survey by Zillow. Just 21% of holders with rates below that dividing line said the same. Existing-home sales have...

5 Strategies to Help Lower Your Property Taxes in Florida

Most people feel they pay too much in property taxes. But there are ways you can lower them. Let’s look at the 5 steps you can take to lower your next property tax bill. Request your property tax card The local assessor’s office has on file all of the necessary information about your property. And you can request a copy of your tax card with this information from them. On the property tax card,...

Extend and Pretend in Commercial Land

"A rolling loan, they say, gathers no loss." Commercial mortgages function differently than residential loans. Investors borrow for shorter periods and structure loans with large balloon payments at the end. They're designed to be refinanced. It's not that market participants have forgotten the lessons of the global financial crisis that followed the 2000s boom, it's that they remembered them. In the...

A Reminder of the Importance of Florida’s Hometown Heroes Program

A Friendly Reminder of the Importance of the Florida Hometown Heroes Housing Program and changes effective July 1, 2023 The Florida Hometown Heroes Housing Program makes homeownership affordable for eligible community workforce. This program provides down payment and closing cost assistance to first-time, income-qualified homebuyers so they can purchase a primary residence in the community in which they...

Down Goes San Francisco!

Commercial Real Estate (CRE). Keeping a list of the various struggles in CRE today. As they say, location location location. San Francisco has a problem right now but there are other locations as well. This week, Westfield and Brookfield Properties announced they had stopped making payments on a $558mn loan secured against San Francisco's sprawling downtown mall that they have owned since 2002, and...

Eco-Friendly, Energy-Efficient Homes Attract Buyers

Are you planning to sell your house? If so, you may be surprised to hear just how much buyers value energy efficiency and eco-friendly features today. This is especially true as summer officially kicks off. In fact, the 2023 Realtors and Sustainability Report from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) shows 48% of agents or brokers have noticed consumers are interested in...

5 Top Questions About Property Taxes in Florida

A home is a big investment, so it’s important to understand all the expenses that come after buying a home. One expense homeowners forget about is property taxes.  Property taxes can be a significant annual expense that can affect you for years after your purchase. So it’s important to know what your property taxes will be and how it works. How are property taxes calculated? Property taxes are...

Trouble Brewing in Commercial Real Estate?

A sharp downturn in commercial real estate performance could have a big impact on the banking sector, but not big enough to destabilize the financial system, according to analysis from one of the top real estate economists in the country. More than 300 banks have enough commercial real estate loans on their books to see their Tier 1 capital wiped out under a worst-case scenario, Richard Barkham,...

Pandemic Boom Towns and the High End are Dropping

One-quarter of homes for sale in Austin, Texas, (25.8 percent) have lower estimated monthly housing payments than they would have if they had been for sale a year ago, according to a new report from Redfin. That’s a higher share than any other major U.S. metro area and more than triple the nationwide share of 7.1 percent. Seattle is close behind, at 23.6 percent, followed by San Francisco (18.8 percent),...

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